The download can be done for Windows, Mac OSX or Linux and in 32 or 64 bits. On this page we can choose between downloading the program or downloading the plugin that we can use in Eclipse. To download the program we will only have to open the browser on duty and go to the Official Site from Aptana to download the latest Linux package.
You can install git and some other necessary libraries by running the following command line command: sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 git-core Download Aptana Studio 3 for Linux If you don't have msysgit installed, the program will offer to install it for its own internal use. Git is used internally to update the scripting environment. You can follow the tutorial that a colleague has published days ago in the following link. You must have Sun / Oracle Java 1.5.x or later installed on your Linux Ubuntu. The IDE installation needs to meet some requirements installed and working properly for it to work properly.

Requirements for Aptana Studio 3 installation This is a useful feature when you have a large CSS file or a long list of Javascript functions. In the sidebar of the editor window you will find the outline panel that will allow you to quickly access any function within the code. This feature is already present in Dreamweaver, but it is not as common in most IDEs. When you type a tag, it will display a list of similar tags and it will give you an explanation of what each tag does. One of the most productive uses of Aptana is its tag suggestion, tag explanation, and auto-complete feature. In Aptana Studio you can quickly access a terminal to run commands operating system and language utilities such as gem, rake, etc. Aptana Studio has hundreds of commands, but they are always presented in context based on the type of file you are editing. Set up your development environment exactly the way you want by expanding core capabilities through custom command scripts. Collaborate with team members through multiple options through remote repositories hosted on Github that facilitates git-based deployments. In this program you can easily put your projects under the git source code control.

In addition, Aptana Studio 3 will allow us: Git integration You can even consider developing Python code. This great IDE comes with multiple features such as: Terminal View, Code Suggestions or php websites with a built-in server among others.